Handling Registration on Race Day

Day Before The Race:

  1. Turn off pre-registration using the instructions at this page.
  2. Export all of your regatta's registrations by going to "Export" ­> "Registrations" on the blue admin bar. This will save them to an Excel spreadsheet. Print it out, you can use it for check­in on race day.

Race Day:

On race day, you want to divide up paddlers into two groups.

Paddlers that have pre­registered on PaddleGuru:

These people should have access to a fast “check in” line, where a volunteer just checks their name and payment status (“paid” or “owes”) on the printout of registrations (see #2 in Day Before the Race).   Important: Make sure you tell the paddler what their racer number is! You can use a sharpie or a bib to help them remember their number.

Paddlers that have not pre­registered:

You should plan to have one internet enabled device per 30 paddlers that you expect to register on race day.  Log in to your admin account on each device, navigate to the race page, and select Actions ­> "Register a Paddler". Paddlers fill out this form on race day; when they hit submit it will refresh the page with a fresh form and give them their racer number.
This page offers a simplified day of registration flow for athletes.
If the athlete is already a PaddleGuru member, they can enter their username (or search for it with their name in the text box) and proceed. 

If the athlete isn't currently registered on PaddleGuru, they can select "No", enter their information as shown below 

After entering a username or a new athlete's information, the athlete can select the events they'd like to enter and submit. Once the Athlete submits he or she will receive a race number.

NOTE: If the athlete was already registered, this page won't work, and you'll have to edit their registration on the admin edit page. Navigate to Admin > View > Registered Paddlers

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