How do I create a PaddleGuru account?
PaddleGuru stores results for every race you've entered. You'll come to think of your PaddleGuru profile as your athletic passport. Create an account at this page.
You'll need the following information:
This is your PaddleGuru ID. Once you've created an account you'll use this to sign in and to link other athletes to your profile.
Email Address
We'll use this to send you notifications about your upcoming races, as well as receipts for your race registrations. (You can always tell us not to email you by changing your notification settings.)
First Name and Last Name
Your name will show up next to any of your race registrations and results.
We use this information to make it easier to register for races that have Men's and Women's races by only showing you races that apply to you.
PaddleGuru uses your birthday to help you find races with appropriate age categories.
Once you create an account, you'll be automatically logged in and will see your username at the top right of the screen. You can log out by clicking the "Logout" button, and log back in with the "Login" button that appears instead of your name.